Adolescent (12-18)
Orthopaedic Conditions
Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis (SCFE)
The femur (thigh bone) is made up of a head attached by a thin neck of bone to the main shaft. In children there is a growth plate between the head and the neck. In a SCFE the head of the femur slips off the neck causing a lack of blood supply and the eventual death of bone tissue.
The condition occurs in 10-15-year-olds who are often obese. Symptoms include a limp, an irritable hip, and knee pain. In 20% cases both hips are involved.
I will advise and discuss with you the best treatment for your child. This will include being on crutches for six weeks to ease the weight on the hips as well as surgery to realign and pin the head of the femur in place.
The sooner treatment, the better the outcome will be.